Calculation of water supply and sewerage according to SNiP 2.04.01-85 online Hydraulic calculation of the pipeline Calculation of the load on a fixed support Thermal engineering calculation Calculation of soil temperature around heating networks Calculation of heat-insulating materials of pipes Calculation of the section of air ducts Regulations

Calculation of water supply and sewerage according to SNiP 2.04.01-85

  Total water consumption(tot) Cold water(c) Hot water(h)
  Formula Value Formula Value Formula Value
Number of consumers U1    
Number of plumbing fixtures N1    
Estimated time, hours, water consumption (day, shift) T1    
Wastewater consumption from sanitary appliances, l/sec q0s        
Cold water temperature, °C tc        
Type of DHW system Availability of external hot water distribution networks
Coefficients of circulation costs β Δt    

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